Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Worst State for love

Hello world!

Sorry that it’s been a month since we last chatted but I was off attempting to be a real person (as we talked about earlier). I go to work at approximately 8:45 am if I’m not running late (which I typically am) and I usually get off around 5/5:15 pm. By then I am genuinely sooooo incredibly tired that I just can’t be bothered to get on OKCupid and deal with the absurdness and sadness that I KNOW will be there.

But I digress. As we have talked about before, OKcupid tries to be SUPER helpful…but they generally fail. I got this map via email a little while ago:

Basically this map sums up where I need to go to find true love…or at least get a date. This map is awkward for a MULTITUDE of reasons:

  1. North Dakota…seriously…North freaking Dakota. No. Just no. Never. For those of you that know me you know I almost moved to North Dakota…maybe I should have?
  3. North Dakota. I still can’t get over this.
  4. Why are no real states on this list (except Virginia, potentially Rhode Island...but that's a little too far north for me)? I’m sad.
  5. I really like Georgia and Washington...
  6. No one needs to tell me that Wyoming is not a good look for me, I know. 

The funny thing about OKCupid is that they don’t tell you why all of these random states may suit you better than your current state; the entire list is quite arbitrary if we’re being totally honest about. Now don’t let the arbitrariness of the list trick you into thinking that I fully realized it was arbitrary (i.e.: when I saw that NC wasn’t a good state for me my initial reaction was “O God, I will die alone”) I get that that may have been a slight overreaction…but whatevs.



1 comment:

  1. I'm guessing this is based on matches made using their site...? I'm not sure if it should tell us something if not that many people are using it in NC and SC; that could be a good thing, I don't know!
