I’ve been getting some dumb messages recently, even worse,
I’ve been getting some dumb messages from guys that should NEVER message me.
This isn’t coming from a mean place, as I am an equal opportunity dater; this
is coming from a place of genuine concern for America’s future and myself.
Up first we’ve got Keith:
I almost don’t want to say anything, like can we just
examine this gem of a message and not talk about it? I just want to leave this out there
for the world…but I won’t. Let’s dive on in, shall we?
Keith was so wrong from the beginning. He made so many
mistakes. So. Many.
1) Where’s your punctuation, Keith? Where? What did
punctuation do to you that has you so upset that you are just choosing to
ignore it?
2) I am NOT your cutie pie. That is the worst. THE WORST,
3) I am NOT looking for a teddy bear, Keith.
4) Keith needs to look at his life and look at his choices
(and maybe reconsider how he approaches women online).
If that wasn’t enough to cause you a few heart palpitations let’s
take a gander at our next young man:
You’re always walking a very fine line when answering
questions online. You want to appear normal and sane and fit for dating, but
you also don’t want to lie…too much. Our
friend from above could have lied…just a little.
1) If you’re not happy with your life then you need to get
off of this website and start making some serious changes. I’ve got NO time for
LIFE???? I am NOT looking for a pen pal.
And finally, we’ve got this gem:
Just why? Even before I began teaching kids science I knew
that the Sun was bigger than the earth. Maybe that’s not a real reason for a
strike but I believe it is and I’m sticking to that. If that wasn’t enough for
you however, I’ll give you a double whammy. This was the message he sent:
So he hates science and words…I like both of those things so
that may not work out.
So...there's that.